Vaughan Reid's blog

A case for pattern matching

Over the years developers using more functional languages like F# have boasted about how much easier their code is to read and how imperative C# can be. NO LONGER! Well maybe not much longer.

We are starting to move in the right direction with pattern matching as a good replacement for switch statements. switch statements are very useful but the general syntax has been around for more than 50 years. Starting from C# 7.0, we could start using pattern matching as an alternative. It seems an active feature because each release has made it more powerful.

I want to show an example how the combination of pattern matching and value tuples can create very readable code.

Imagine your application has to calculate ticket prices for a zoo based on different rules for the day of the week and the age group of the person. This below is I think a reasonable way to implement it before pattern matching.

public enum Age { Child, Adult, Senior }

private Age GetAgeGroup(int age)
	if (age < 13) return Age.Child;
	if (age < 60) return Age.Adult;
	return Age.Senior;

* Base price   - R100
* Children     - Half price
* Seniors      - Half price on Wednesdays
* Adults       - 25% off Weekends
public decimal GetTicketPrice(int age, DateTime date)
	DayOfWeek dayOfWeek = date.DayOfWeek;
	Age ageGroup = GetAgeGroup(age);

	if(ageGroup == Age.Child)
		return 50;

	if(ageGroup == Age.Adult && 
	   (dayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday ||
		dayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday))
		return 75;

	if (ageGroup == Age.Senior &&
		dayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Wednesday)
		return 75;

	return 100;

Its not terrible but the GetTicketPrice has to walk through all the scenarios in quite a few lines. As the rules become more complex it may become easier to have subtle bugs. Below is the same method but its doing a few things at once. Firstly its creating a value tuple of (Age, DayOfWeek) and then its using pattern matching to match it to the correct option. The discard (_) option at the end is equivalent to the switch default case.

* Base price   - R100
* Children     - Half price
* Seniors      - Half price on Wednesdays
* Adults       - 25% off Weekends
public decimal GetTicketPrice(int age, DateTime date)
	return (GetAgeGroup(age), date.DayOfWeek) switch
		( Age.Child, DayOfWeek.Monday) => 50,
		( Age.Child, DayOfWeek.Tuesday) => 50,
		( Age.Child, DayOfWeek.Wednesday) => 50,
		( Age.Child, DayOfWeek.Thursday) => 50,
		( Age.Child, DayOfWeek.Friday) => 50,
		( Age.Child, DayOfWeek.Saturday) => 50,
		( Age.Child, DayOfWeek.Sunday) => 50,
		( Age.Adult, DayOfWeek.Saturday) => 75,
		( Age.Adult, DayOfWeek.Sunday) => 75,
		( Age.Senior, DayOfWeek.Wednesday) => 50,
		_ => 100

One problem with the above statement is that even though children are 50 for every day of the week, I added a pattern for each day. You don’t actually need to do it. By using the discard character again, it tells the pattern that any value will match.

* Base price   - R100
* Children     - Half price
* Seniors      - Half price on Wednesdays
* Adults       - 25% off Weekends
public decimal GetTicketPrice(int age, DateTime date)
	return (GetAgeGroup(age), date.DayOfWeek) switch
		( Age.Child, _) => 50,
		( Age.Adult, DayOfWeek.Saturday) => 75,
		( Age.Adult, DayOfWeek.Sunday) => 75,
		( Age.Senior, DayOfWeek.Wednesday) => 50,
		_ => 100

You have to admit that this is much more readable compared to the original version. Whats great is that pattern matching is still getting new features at each new major C# release with Type, Relational and Logic patterns coming in .NET 5.